Putting customer experience at the heart of digital commerce

  • Understand your customer
  • Provide personalised convenience
  • Blend online and offline data to improve customer experience

The world has become more digitally-led and businesses, particular retailers, have been significantly impacted.

For retail, there is clearly a huge communication and sales opportunity in online, mobile, social and all other digital channels. But it is vital that the customer and the experience they get from each store – whether online or physical – remains at the heart of operations. Ultimately, increased sales from online commerce should be a consequence of digital’s primary function – to enrich the customer experience.

For example there are many channels to connect with customers but this shouldn’t mean brands must use every platform. Any move or expansion in digital must be considered and designed to suit that exact brand and, most importantly, their customers.

In this video Iain Devine, Commercial Director at Salmon, will discuss how retailers can strike the right multi-channel balance, offering customers the digital options they want while maintaining a personalised service to drive loyalty. He will look at the role data plays in improving customer engagement and offer advice on how retailers can realise the vast potential of digital in boosting customer experience.